Buying a cheap child’s bike from Argos can be tempting. Children outgrow their bikes fairly quickly, so they do not wear them out like adults do. However, cheap bikes are heavy, and they use poor components like plastic washers instead of proper bearings. This can make cheap bikes more difficult to learn on and enjoy. A good child’s bike will be light and efficient so that your child can enjoy cycling in their early years. This will make a huge difference to how much time they want to spend on their bike.
This will depend a lot on the age of your child. Unfortunately, if you are buying for a teenager then the cost will be almost the same as an adult’s bike. But here is a rough guide based on your child’s age –
A balance bike is literally a push bike as there are no pedals so the child uses their feet to push themselves along. This is a great way for you child to learn how to balance on a bike before they tackle the art of pedalling. This stops the child becoming reliant on stabilisers which can be exceedingly difficult to wean kids off one they are used to relying on them for support.
This will depend a lot on where you live. If you live near fields or gravel paths, then we would recommend getting something with wider knobbly tyres. If your child will be cycling on tarmac, then it would be worth getting a bike with more efficient tyres.
The following websites have a great range of children’s bikes